سمنــــة الأطفــــــال
تأثير أعمق من مجرد وزن زائد
لا تؤثر سمنة الأطفال على صحتهم أطفالنا الجسدية فقط، بل تنعكس على نموهم النفسي بشكل كبير. فقد يواجه الأطفال الذين يعانون من السمنة مشكلات مثل التنمر أو صعوبة في مواكبة أصدقائهم في اللعب، مما يمكن أن يؤثر سلبًا على ثقتهم بأنفسهم ومهاراتهم الاجتماعية. هذه التحديات قد يكون لها تأثير طويل الأمد، خصوصاً ان معظم حالات سمنة الاطفل تستمر مع التقدم في العمر
Do you want to become
the best version of yourself?
By utilizing IV therapy in Wellness By Design, we bypass the gut so that we ensure that 100% of the constituents are absorbed and utilized by the body.
The world we live in is extremely toxic due to growing pollution levels, a reduction in our food quality due to intensive farming practices, usage of GMO’s, and rising stress levels.
Our bodies are paying the price as a result of all these stressors which can lead to a host of various health issues.
That’s why our treatments and health approach should be constantly evolving to maintain that our bodies are always in balance.
Why Our IV Therapies Stand Out
Better Benefits, Better You
Highst client satisfaction rates
Best IV therapy provider in UAE
Personalized follow-up care
Comprehensive wellness consultation for accurate results
Customizaed IV drips (we don't use pre-mixed solutions)
Over 250 customizable ingredients
Fresh and active ingredients, DHA/MOH approved.
Located within the Dubai Healthcare City
Home, office, and hotel visits available
Installment plans with 0% interest
Member of international health and wellness associations
Boost libido
Weight loss
Gut healing
DNA repair
Boost athletic performance
Skin brightening/whitening
Anxiety and depression
Energy enhancement
Nutritional support
Metabolic support
General well-being
Immune support