In Wellness By Design Medical Center, ACUPUNCTURE helps restore the body to balance and works on an energetic level to affect all aspects of a person: mind/body/spirit.
Meridians can be mapped throughout the body with more than 400 acupuncture points on them, the diseases and disorders that can be helped with acupuncture in Wellness By design Medical Center:
Irritable bowel syndrome
Back & Joint pain, shoulder & neck pain, knee pain, muscle spasm sciatica, arthritis
Headache, Migraine, bells palsy
Calm the Mind، reduce overthinking, Anxiety, Worrying, Depression, Emotional
Recovery and support for building resiliency after divorce, family member death
Insomnia, Improve sleep quality & sleep pattern, nightmares
Irregular menstruation, PMS, dysmenorrhea, Infertility
Weight loss & Weight Control
Tiredness, low energy, low concentration & For General health and wellbeing (boost immunity)
What you can expect
Each person who performs acupuncture has a unique style, often blending aspects of Eastern and Western approaches to medicine. To determine the type of acupuncture treatment that will help you the most, your practitioner may ask you about your symptoms, behaviors, and lifestyle. He or she may also closely examine:
The parts of your body that are painful
The shape, coating, and color of your tongue
The color of your face
The strength, rhythm, and quality of the pulse in your wrist
An acupuncture session may take up to 60 minutes, although some appointments may be much shorter. A common treatment plan for a single complaint would typically involve one or two treatments a week. The number of treatments will depend on the condition being treated and its severity. In general, it's common to receive 6 to 8 treatments.