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Need help to lose weight? Wellness By Design is the Key
Wellness By Design - Slimming department


Eximia Platinum 徹底改變塑身效果,塑造您的完美身材

為了追求健美和雕塑般的身材,Eximia Platinum 站在尖端技術的最前沿。




無論您的目標是收緊和塑造特定區域的輪廓,還是開始全面的全身改造,Eximia Platinum 都能提供適合您獨特目標的全面解決方案。

Harnessing the power of non-invasive technologies, the Eximia Platinum empowers individuals seeking a safe and efficient method to enhance their body shape. Its state-of-the-art design integrates multiple advanced modalities, harmoniously working together to maximize results. With a focus on both aesthetic and wellness aspects, this revolutionary machine offers a holistic approach to body transformation. One of the key highlights of the Eximia Platinum is its ability to target various concerns simultaneously. By employing a combination of cutting-edge technologies, it addresses cellulite, localized fat deposits, muscle toning, and skin tightening in a comprehensive and customizable manner. This multidimensional approach ensures that every aspect of your body shaping journey receives the attention it deserves, resulting in a harmonious, balanced transformation. The Eximia Platinum machine embraces the principles of precision and personalization. Its versatile settings allow skilled professionals to adapt the treatment protocols to suit your specific needs, ensuring optimal outcomes. Through its precise targeting and controlled energy delivery, the machine can effectively address stubborn fat pockets, reshape contours, and improve skin elasticity, leading to a more sculpted and toned appearance. Moreover, the Eximia Platinum places a strong emphasis on patient comfort and safety. Its non-invasive nature means that you can undergo treatments without the need for surgical procedures or lengthy recovery periods. This innovative technology offers a convenient alternative for those seeking body shaping solutions, allowing you to resume your daily activities with minimal downtime. Beyond its exceptional results, the Eximia Platinum experience extends to the ambiance of the treatment environment. Designed with your comfort in mind, the machine ensures a relaxing and enjoyable session. Combined with the expertise of trained professionals who guide you throughout your journey, this holistic approach enhances both your physical and emotional well-being. In summary, the Eximia Platinum is a groundbreaking body shaping machine that combines advanced technologies, precision, and personalization to deliver outstanding results. By harnessing its non-invasive capabilities, you can achieve a sculpted, toned physique, addressing concerns such as cellulite, localized fat, muscle toning, and skin tightening. With an emphasis on your comfort and safety, this innovative device provides a comprehensive and customizable solution for those seeking to transform their body shape. Embark on this transformative journey and unlock the confidence and vitality you deserve with the Eximia Platinum.



歡迎來到 CoolSculpting 塑身的未來,這是一款利用脂肪冷凍技術力量的突破性機器。 CoolSculpting 專為對抗傳統飲食和鍛煉的頑固脂肪袋而設計,提供安全、非侵入性且高效的解決方案,幫助您實現更苗條、更有雕塑感的外觀。

CoolSculpting employs a scientifically proven method called cryolipolysis, which selectively freezes fat cells while leaving surrounding tissues unharmed. This innovative technology precisely targets and cools unwanted fat cells, causing them to naturally break down and be eliminated by the body over time. The result is a noticeable reduction in fat bulges and an improved body contour. What sets CoolSculpting apart is its ability to address specific areas of concern, such as the abdomen, thighs, flanks, arms, and chin. With its customizable applicators, the machine adapts to different body shapes and sizes, ensuring precise treatment and optimal results for each individual. Whether you're looking to achieve a more sculpted waistline or eliminate a double chin, CoolSculpting offers tailored solutions to meet your unique goals. One of the key advantages of CoolSculpting is its non-invasive nature, meaning there are no incisions, needles, or anesthesia required. Treatments are comfortable, allowing you to relax and even catch up on your favorite book or show during the procedure. There's no downtime involved, allowing you to resume your daily activities immediately after each session. CoolSculpting has garnered worldwide recognition for its effectiveness and safety. Backed by extensive research and clinical studies, it has been FDA-cleared as a trusted method for fat reduction. The treatment is performed by trained professionals who specialize in body contouring, ensuring a high level of expertise and patient satisfaction. Say goodbye to stubborn fat and hello to a more confident you with CoolSculpting. Experience the transformative power of fat freezing technology as it sculpts your body, revealing a slimmer, more contoured figure. Discover the convenience, precision, and remarkable results that CoolSculpting offers, and embark on your journey to a more confident and vibrant self.

Wellness By Design - Slimming department
Wellness By Design - Slimming department
Wellness By Design - Slimming department


Arosha Body Wrap 是一種意大利身體裹敷,可在一次療程中排毒、瘦身、調理、塑造輪廓並護理體內的橘皮組織。我們將裹敷與淋巴引流技術和 Lipocell 氣毯機治療相結合,以獲得更好的效果。

Arosha 身體裹敷的設計目的是:

  • 收緊、調整併強化您的身體

  • 提升和滋養您的肌膚

  • 第一次療程後,減少最多 5 厘米

  • 解決晚期橘皮組織

  • 排毒並排出體內多餘的液體,並幫助保持水分

What does this Body Wrap treatment include? During your Arosha body wrap, one of our therapists will first measure your body to ensure the best results. They will then use a body brushing procedure to remove dead skin cells, stimulate lymphatic drainage, and help your skin to better absorb the products used during the treatment. After the body brushing, you will receive pressotherapy, which involves wearing special garments that inflate with compressed air to provide a rhythmic massaging action on the skin. This massage helps to improve circulation, reduce swelling, and stimulate the lymphatic system. The pressotherapy will prepare your body for the wrap, helping it to better absorb the active ingredients. Next, your body will be wrapped for 60 minutes with a bandage infused with serums and a special formula specific to the area of your body you are targeting to tighten and tone. The pressotherapy will continue throughout the wrap, enhancing its effectiveness. The Arosha body wrap with pressotherapy is known for its incredible slimming effect, body contouring, skin tightening, and cellulite-tackling abilities. It is a relaxing and comfortable wrap, so feel free to bring your favorite book or even treat yourself to one of our facials while you undergo the treatment. Overall, the combination of Arosha body wraps and pressotherapy is a non-invasive and painless way to improve the appearance of your skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite. It is a popular treatment among both men and women and can be beneficial for individuals who want to improve the appearance of their skin without undergoing invasive procedures. What to expect from Arosha Body Wrap? This Body Wrap provides a lasting tightening, cellulite reduction, and slimming effect. The first session itself will give you noticeable results in terms of centimeter reduction, tight and firm skin as well as clearing up of cellulite. Make sure to stay hydrated before your appointment.


Maximus 系統是一項獨特的產品,使美容專業人士能夠治療所有四層皮膚並解決各種問題。借助 Maximus,美容從業者可以顯著改善面部和身體部位並使其恢復活力。面部效果非常顯著——抗衰老和改善膚質。眾多成功案例均顯示出顯著的效果減少皺紋皮膚緊緻橘皮組織治療 並且周長減小。





Wellness By Design - Slimming department

Dynamic Muscle Activation Technology Dynamic Muscle Activation (DMA) is another breakthrough technology used in several cosmetic procedures. With an increasing demand for non-surgical treatments, DMA has emerged as a high-quality treatment for not only muscle toning but also improved facial appearance. The DMA treatment is often combined with radiofrequency technology for skin rejuvenation and body contouring. It’s one of the most effective solutions for wrinkles due to aging. The DMA treatment goes beyond the fat and dermal layers to reach the muscles and make the required improvements. The technique stimulates muscle and blood circulation. As a result, it boosts lymphatic drainage, allowing oxygenation and detoxification of discarded by-products. Whether you need facial or body contouring, DMA provides effective results for both. The aestheticians use this technique to control each treatment in terms of tissue depth, power, and duration. How Maximus Treatment Works Maximus Body contouring Edmonton is the only cosmetic procedure that can efficiently treat four layers of your skin – muscle, fat, dermis, and epidermis. Moreover, it can help professionals address various skin conditions. The facial treatment also works best for anti-aging and skin texture enhancement. It includes skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, and acne scars reduction. Other purposes include cellulite treatment, fat reduction, eliminating stretch marks, and body scars reduction. The procedure is painless with a minimal recovery time.

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